Long Island Bulldogs Tryouts (William Floyd)


Step 1: Submit your information


In consideration of the acceptance of this application, I for myself, my child/ward, all executors and assignees, do hereby release and discharge Long Island Bulldogs Elite Basketball Club, Inc. and/or it’s directors, volunteers, and employees, for all claims, demands, or causes of action arising out of participation in both practices and games sponsored by the organization. I attest that I have full knowledge of the risks involved in strenuous athletic activity and that my child/ward is physically able to participate. I hereby authorize the designated volunteer or coaches of Long Island Bulldogs Elite Basketball Club, Inc. to act for me according to their best judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention. I further agree to be responsible for any medical or other charges in connection with my child’s/ward’s participation in any event sponsored by Long Island Bulldogs Elite Basketball Club, Inc.

If your child wears a medical alert bracelet or has such a condition, please bring this to the attention of the coach.



Step 2: Payment

To complete your registration, please click the “Buy Now” button below to pay. You will be redirected to our PayPal page for secure payment.


Questions?  Please contact St. Jean Jeudy at: (631) 404 8628 sjeudy116@gmail.com and/or libeb116@gmail.com